What Olive Hose Choose For A Well
The modern market offers a great choice of models. In choosing, particular attention should be paid to:
♪ Appointment. Warehouse or olive. Warehouse The hose is intended to harvest water from wells and reservoirs, tidal, respectively, for the shore.
Material. This may be PVC, PVC, armed, nylon, rubber, rubber-armed, gophreated. Armation allows the hose not to be plunged during the water harvest and reduces the drilling.
Just remember the rule. The heavier the hose, the less he squeezes. When he's moved from his place to place, and the longer he's been in service.
Durability and reliability leaders can be considered as Armated rubber and ERW. However, it must be borne in mind that, at low temperatures, hoses from PVC become rigid and fractured, so that they should not be used in a cold period.
It is also important. Keep hoses. It's best to do it in a booby-cooked form or a special booth. It will also extend the life of the inventory.